Hoffman Realty Group Inc.
HRG Inc.BRE# 01370742                                                                                                     Call Us at (916) 983-7653
Jeff Hoffman BRE # 00991168


Folsom's #1 Agent in total sales since 1988! SMART, INNOVATIVE real estate marketing that sells your home in less time and for a higher average selling price than methods used by traditional real estate agents. Are you ready?



Agent Taken vs. Professional Real Estate Photography 


Great pictures help sell your home for thousands more!


Typical Agent “Point and Shoot” Camera

Joes vs. Pros…
Who Wins the Camera
Shoot Out? 

The Canon 5D Mark 2 Camera

Can a picture make or cost you thousands of dollars?  Can it save you weeks of time?  Can it be a vital factor in whether your home sells or not?  It turns out that the answer is a resounding “Yes!” As reported in the Wall Street Journal, pictures of real estate listings shot with professional photography equipment versus non-professional equipment command more online attention, faster selling times, and higher asking prices! 

With over 90% of home buyers using the Internet as part of their home search, listing photos are a critical factor in the selling price of your home, how quickly it sells, and whether it sells at all. 

Because we know that your home will sell for more money and in less time on the market when professionally photographed vs. point-and-shoot cameras…

…our professional photographers
 use the best professional
photography equipment on the
market when we photograph
your listing!

DSLR Photos = More Money for You!

Homes between $200,000 and $999,999 photographed using DSLR photography sold on average for more money, between $4000-$12,000 more, than those listings photographed using point and shoot agent taken photographs as shown below.

The Canon 5D Mark 2 full frame DSLR 21.1 Megapixel digital
camera with Broadcast Quality HD 1080P Video!


Your Home Has A Better Chance of Selling When Shot With Professional Photography Equipment!

Across all price tiers, homes with DSLR photography were more likely to sell within six months than homes with point-and-shoot photos. In the $400,000 to $500,000 price range, 64 percent of homes with DSLR photos sold within six months, compared to 46 percent of homes with point-and-shoot photos. For those difficult-to-sell million dollar homes, 35 percent of professionally photographed homes sold in six months, compared to 30 percent of homes with point-and-shoot photos.

Sell Your Home in Less Time Using Professionally Taken Photos!

Since professionally photographed homes are more likely to sell in general, and to sell for more money, it’s not surprising that these homes also sell faster. Because online searching and browsing is such a critical part of the home-buying process, it follows that a better-photographed home will sell faster because more people are enticed to visit the home and people know what they are getting before they even set foot in the home. Across all price ranges, homes with professional photos sold faster. In the million dollar range, professionally photographed homes sold four days faster, and those in the $400,000 range sold three weeks faster than their counterparts with amateur photos.