Hoffman Realty Group Inc.
HRG Inc.BRE# 01370742                                                                                                     Call Us at (916) 983-7653
Jeff Hoffman BRE # 00991168


Folsom's #1 Agent in total sales since 1988! SMART, INNOVATIVE real estate marketing that sells your home in less time and for a higher average selling price than methods used by traditional real estate agents. Are you ready?



A Step by Step Blueprint For Selling Your Home For MORE Money, In LESS Time, with EXCEPTIONAL customer service...

How would you feel if you could sell your home at or above your asking price, cutting days or weeks off your selling time without sacrificing exceptional customer service?  Impossible you say?  Skeptical?  Okay.  But what you may not know is over the years an astonishing number of your neighbors have, and are, doing exactly that after partnering with Jeff Hoffman to sell their homes. 

This Guide that shows exactly what Jeff does for his clients to routinely beat the market.  Included are Jeff’s 39-point selling plan, commission options, client reviews about Jeff and much more. This information is the perfect primer before you interview agents.  If you are determined to get it right the first time, make the obvious choice and request your FREE copy now.

There is no cost or obligation to receive your FREE copy of SELLING YOUR HOME.  Simply complete the order form below and we'll send you your FREE copy directly to your email inbox!